Can you help me gain access to a ebook on Proquest's Ebook Central?

Why am I only able to view/preview an ebook that we have a license to, or that the library catalog says is available?


When we have a 1 user license for an e-book it's like having one print copy available on the shelf. This limits the number of people that can use the book at one time. If the record shows two links you can always try clicking into the second one to see if it's available, otherwise you will have to check back after some time has passed to see if the e-book is no longer in use.

With e-books you can also download up to 20% of the book to read offline, which really helps with these limited licenses.

You can read more about ebook access and use limits by platform, here.

  • Last Updated Jan 26, 2024
  • Views 12
  • Answered By Marcos Corona

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